Monday, May 24, 2010

Slacker = Me

Alright, I'm a total blog slacker.  Our internet has been kind of in and out and slow and fast when I want to sleep, so I've been thinking about blogging, but not acting on those thoughts.

We are in Düsseldorf (William taught me how to write w/ German punctuation).  We are playing a show tonight that already has 600 tickets sold.  I'm pumped.  Lady Gaga is playing around the corner and since her and William's music is so similar, there is a lot of competition. ;)

Last night we were in The Netherlands and Luxembourg the day before that.

Luxembourg could have been the best sound I have ever experienced in my life.  They had a grand piano at the venue, so I left the keyboard backstage and played that all night.  It was fucking awesome.  Josh recorded my set on his flip camera, but I haven't looked through it yet.

Feeling a little homesick yesterday and today.  Could just be pms.  Very, very possible that it is.  Also that the time difference and lack of phone service makes it hard to be in touch with Woody or anyone else.  Thank god for facebook.  It makes me feel closer to everyone than I am, and able to share what I am up to in real time.

I have so much to write about, but it's an hour till I go on and I'm feeling a tad scattered, so I'm going to pour myself and small drink and collect.

Sending love to my readers.

Here's to a great show tonight!! xo

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Running and Music-ing

So, it seems like my morning run is going to be the best time to explore the surrounding area.

This morning goes on the list of top running moments - exploring Rostock, finding a beautiful almost vacant park in the middle of the city, cool, fresh air - yeah, it was awesome.

I took about 20 pictures on my run.

Tonight is the first show of the tour.  I'll be honest and say that I feel a little shaky on some of William's tunes, but I am excited to start playing and getting comfortable.  The rest of the band has been on the road with him before, but I have had about a total hour of playing time with them and learned his songs primarily from youtube videos, so good luck me!

Honestly, I am prepared and it will be great.  I'm really excited to play.  I'm pumped to play my songs for a new audience and really looking forward to being a part of William and his band's sound on this tour.  It's some incredibly beautiful material.  If you have not heard it, check out 

Um, German club hospitality is like nothing I have ever seen or experienced in my life.  I would only play Germany if it is not like this anywhere else.

Example:  Soundcheck ran late and I had to miss THE FULL SIT-DOWN MEAL THE CLUB COOKED FOR US, so they packed me a hot meal to take with me to the hotel while I changed.  The club did this.  What?!

New York ain't got nothin' on Germany in the musician hospitality department.  

Alrighty, I have to warm-up before the manager comes to pick me up for the show.

Wish me luck, friends!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

On the road

So, I was given a few tips to avoid jet-lag before I left the states, and did none of them.  That is why I woke up at 2am ready and energized, and why I now am ready for a nap.  I did this to myself.

I'm going to do my best to stay awake today and go to sleep at a normal German bedtime hour.

I was up at 6am this morning, for a 7am call.  Apparently all our hotels are providing breakfast and the spread this morning was exciting for anyone who enjoys both options and condiments = me.  My bed was sooo comfy.  All in all an excellent, if uneventful, time thus far.

We left Frankfurt at 7am this morning, on the way to Rostock to rehearse once before the first show, tomorrow.  Rostock is 6 hours from Frankfurt, and I am wondering how much coffee I can drink before I become immune to it or have a seizure.

Love having Wi-Fi in the van, though it's very slow.  Trying to talk to Woody on Skype was kind of a stop-time disaster of  a conversation.  23 more days of tour and 19 shows to go!

Oh, the guys are really great, tour managers are totally on top of things and super cool, and William's wife Erin is on the road with us.  It's comforting to have another female here, and even better that she is awesome.

Side note:  We have tour managers!  I don't need to keep track of anything, but myself.  How fucking cool is that!

Worth noting:  mini-vibrators are sold in the public bathroom tampon dispensers.

Fingers crossed that I remember all William's songs for rehearsal!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Ok, I made it!

Slept a possible two hours on the plane, but I now have my very own room, with 3 twin beds.

It's a great room, really cute city.  I have all my appliances plugged in using European adapters, which should not have confused me as much as they did.

I just ate an upsetting amount of Haribo gummies, am exhausted, and have decided to pass out.

Tomorrow, we leave for Rostock at 7am for 1 day of rehearsal before the shows start up.

Ok, bed, please, now, yes.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Airports are a Nightmare

We all know this is true.

I carried 150 pounds of luggage to two different check-in points, 3 floors from each other and elevators were broken. And I'm on my third long slow line. And my flight is delayed. Awesome.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Heading back to JFK after hanging out with my family for Chris's graduation from Rochester U. I was able to see his Phi Beta Kappa induction, but will miss the grad ceremony today so I can get back home and prep to leave for Germany tomorrow.

I'm so proud of my brother and wish I could be here for the whole weekend.

Anyway, here's a pic of airpot #2 of my adventures.

In my short travels, I have observed that airport security checks mostly succeed in the confusing, detaining, and denying senior citizens of the bargain shampoos, etc that they packed to take with them.

That's all for today!

Friday, May 14, 2010


My name is on a laminate.  It's a first!

I did it

I created a blog.  It is my blog creation.  It wasn't hard; in-fact, it was very easy.  Hopefully remaining un-intimidated by "blogging" and being consistent with entries will be just as easy.

I have a feeling long van rides through Europe will make me very happy to have an outlet for thoughts, pictures, and other tidbits along the way.

I leave for a tour supporting William Fitzsimmons for a month through Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, and The Netherlands on Monday. 

Tomorrow, I'm off to Rochester for my brother Chris's college graduation.  I'm happy for the chance to see the fam before I leave.  It will be very grounding, which is what I need as anxiety over my first European tour experience begins to get the better of me.

Had a little farewell dinner with some friends last night, that was also very fun, supportive, and grounding. 

Good to have such amazing, loving, hilarious people in my life. 

Ok, blog, here we go!